Natrual Ticks

5. Domestic effective way to remove stomach worms

Worms is a problem of uncomfortable. Gastrointestinal tract parasite living in the worms. Initially, they stick to the intestinal wall. Worms are bibhinnadharanera. In the meantime, however, worms, roundworm, and more damaging. Worms usually enters the body through contaminated food and water. General de-worming medication is taken to remove the worm. In some ways, however, the domestic rid of this problem can be obtained. Some of the ways that today's programs.
1. Garlic
Garlic is an anti-parasite foods. Rasune sulfur amino acids which ayantipyarasaitika kinds of raw nature. Also rasune ayantibyakateriyala, ayantiphangala and ayantiseptika material which can destroy germs in the body. KwaZulu eat three garlic on an empty stomach every day. Try to eat five days a week. In addition, the garlic and half a cup of milk a day firewood. When you drop down to the adoptee. Drink it now. Drink it in one week.
II. Coconut
Coconut is a quite effective way to get rid of worms. Eat a tablespoon of grated coconut for breakfast. Three hours after eating breakfast a glass of warm milk and two tablespoons of castor oil mixed drink. Drink it regularly. However, castor oil and Gastrointestinal samasyagrastadera does not apply to children under five years old. In addition to the four to six tablespoons of chopped coconut drink pure coconut oil can. It will help to remove worms.
3. Raw papaya
One tablespoon of honey with the juice of raw papaya mix of three or four tablespoons of hot water. Drink it on an empty stomach in the morning. After two hours with a glass of warm milk and two tablespoons of castor oil mixed drink. Drink two to three days. Take half of the children. Take the papaya seeds are crushed. A cup of warm milk or water and mix two teaspoons of papaya powder. Drink it on an empty stomach for three days.
4. Sweet pumpkin seeds
Myarilenda University Medical Center to remove the worms eating sweets recommend the pumpkin seeds. The material kumarote krmike kill intestinal sweet. Three cups of water with two tablespoons of sweet pumpkin seeds heat the powder 30 minutes. If you drink it cold. In addition, the equivalent of one tablespoon of honey mixed with fried sweet pumpkin seeds powder every morning on an empty stomach Khan. The kiwi breakfast or eat bananas.
5. Cloves
Labange the antiseptic, anti parasaitika, byakatirisaidala worms eggs are destroyed. One cup of hot water mixed with one teaspoon of powdered cloves 10-0 minutes a day firewood. Then drink. Drink it three times a day. Drink a week. Dekhebana worms died quickly.
Source: Top Ten Home rimidisa
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