Natrual Ticks

Benefits of Mushrooms

Mashroom's nutrient value is much higher than the daily food we eat, it helps in keeping the body healthy enough to meet the needs of the body. Mushrooms have sugar, sugar, fat, mineral and vitamin (all); Fat and sugar (short); Due to folic acid, iron-like medicinal properties and ingredients, it increases the immune system's ability to diabetes; Blood pressure; Kidney and allergy; Disease and disability; Ulcerative, arthritic pain, etc., releases complex and difficult disorder diseases and conducts the hemispheres of healing.
Mushroom nutrient is relatively high and this protein is very high and very beneficial for the human body. The precursor of a complete protein is the presence of 9 essentials of the human body. These 9 essential amino acids are available in mushroom.
Other animals like amash-fish, meat, and eggs are very nominal and expensive food, but because of the fat involved in it, it increases the cholesterol in the body, causing various problems, causing fatigue, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease etc. The risk of developing the disease increases multiplied.
Mashroom Protein-Fat and Carbohydrate are very small and cholesterol-breaking ingredients - Lobestratin, antadeninin, eritadenin and niacin can not cause cholesterol in the body, but instead of eating mushrooms, many cholesterol deposits in the body gradually gets destroyed and the body becomes light-thin and disease free.
There are 25-35 grams of protein in 100 grams of dry mushroom. On the contrary, we eat fish, meat and eggs as very expensive food, 100 grams of fish, meat and protein in egg are 16-222 grams, 22-25 grams and 13 grams only.
The main function of Vitamin and Mineral is to create human immune system. If you can not eat vitamins and minerals every day as per the body's needs, the body's immune system is weakened and weakened by many complex diseases. Naturally, mushroom has the highest vitamins and minerals.
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